Tim’s Testimony

My Christian home provided a very fertile ground for my Christian life. I accepted Christ at vacation Bible school when I was eight years old and prayed nightly thereafter with my loving family. I distinctly remember telling my grandfather at an early age that I wanted to be a pastor when I grew up. And I meant it. But all was not perfect.

I desired so strongly to be loved by others and believed that I needed to be like them in order to be liked by them – so my faith was a very private, and bendable, matter. I tried to do the right thing, but found myself living two separate lives.

It was not until High School that the two became one. God brought me into the fellowship of others who taught me to be proud to be His servant. With their help, I decided that I was going to be known as a servant of Christ. That changed everything. What before was a downward spiral of trying to serve God, failing in the face of resistance and then failing harder became an upward spiral of trying, succeeding with help from others, and then hungering for more.

This hunger manifested itself in Bible studies, witnessing to others and scripture memorization. I tried to memorize 5 verses a day for a while, and am very thankful today for this period of my life and the knowledge that came from it. A secular summer camp resulted in a chance to share with about thirty guys and lead them all in prayer to accept Christ. I had started a student Bible group at our school, preached the Sunday morning sermon in a few churches and even preached at a revival. I read Christian books fervently and filled every moment with some attempt to better my Christian knowledge. I lived a very moral life, avoiding all the token sins of adolescence – but unfortunately looking down on others with different standards. I was sure that I was destined for full-time ministry in the near future.

God, however, had other plans for me. From my work in an Air Force lab, I had gotten some contacts that pushed me towards MIT. I was sure that I wanted to go to Wheaton College, but I when I was accepted with a full-scholarship I decided to give it a try for a year to learn the “secular mindset” then transfer to Wheaton.

Perhaps it was something as simple as my inability to get the transfer application in, but for whatever reason I ended up at MIT for the long-haul. I got involved in Campus Crusade for Christ and even went on two missions trips: one to Florida and one to Berlin Germany. But something changed – the fire that was so fervent seemed to fizzle. Convinced that I had to study every second just to keep my head above water, I started to put God on the back burner. I often thought of Friday night as a chance to catch up to the smarter students in the class, but it seemed like I never could.

Furthermore, I started feeling distant from other Christians. I was always used to being the leader and when I couldn’t lead I fought the opposition. I not only questioned my beliefs, but compromised the standards that I had so proudly maintained. With a lifestyle contrary to other Christians I no longer was motivated to so ardently serve God. Hence another downward spiral.

Now, a married officer in the Air Force, I yearn for the fever of my youth. Wanting to be a good husband, a Godly boss, and Christian intellectual – I yearn to know more and more about Christian history and thought. I am starting to memorize verses again and am seeking ministry opportunities.

My Church life began in the small First Baptist Church of Tipp City. I loved my congregation and my Pastor in a reciprocal relationship. For youth ministry, I attended a local United Methodist Church and became close to many friends there. While in Germany, I attended a charismatic church. In college I went to a Chinese Baptist Church for a year before I found my favorite church to this date – Park Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts. In each church I strove to be as active as possible, attending Sunday school and always trying to get to know others. Currently my wife and I are seeking to find a Church home in our new area.

The Bible forms the sole basis of my beliefs. I believe in God’s infallible written Word, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. I believe that it was uniquely inspired by the Holy Spirit and that it was written inerrantly in the original manuscripts.

I believe in one true God existing forever in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Every one possessing completely the divine natures of the others.

I have accepted Jesus Christ as the living Word, fully God and fully man. I believe in his virgin birth and sinless life, which made possible the atoning power of his death on the cross. This completed the requirements of divine justice necessitated by human sin, and makes salvation possible for all who trust in Him. I believe he rose from the dead and went into Heaven where he continues to intercede on behalf of His children.

I know that my nature is corrupted, and without Christ I am totally unable to please God. I need the continuing sanctification of the Holy Spirit in my life to please Him.

I further know that my salvation is a gift of grace and is not, in any way, a result of my works, virtue or participation in the Church. I believe that I can not lose this salvation, and that the Holy Spirit has assured me this by His indwelling and sealed me for the day of redemption, for which I longingly await.

I believe that as man I continually war against the flesh and need accountability and fellowship in order to live the life that God wants me to live. I eagerly await for Jesus Christ to personally return, and call His own unto him.

I fully agree with the Nicean and Apostles’ creeds, and hope to better learn their subtle nuances.

I know I have much more to learn and there is much I will never know while on this earth.

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