Tim’s Life Timeline

1976-Born to two 25 year olds, a teacher and an accountant

who planned and dreamed about me.

1978-Moved to Tennessee when Dad was transferred.

1979-My sister was born.

1980-Transferred back to Ohio, I was within fifteen miles

of both sets of grandparents.

I took gymnastics, ice skating, and played soccer and T-ball.

1982-Began kindergarten. I took a trip to Colorado. Awed

by the mountains and AF Academy.

1984-Discovered why teachers were upset with me, for not

paying attention in class. Began gifted education classes. Once I acquired

this label, teachers treated me differently. Began CubScouts.

1985– Started a paper route I had it once a week for the

next five years.

1986-Received the science Olympiad for the highest grade

in my elementary school on a national science test. I entered my first tennis

tournament. Dad began working with me on my tennis game.

1987-Received the social studies Olympiad for the highest

social studies grade in my school on a national test. I began piano lessons

and trumpet lessons. My best friend, David moved to Oregon.

1988-Became a Christian, and rededicated my life at church


1989-Had a serious head injury at school during gym class,

and I found out just how much my parents loved me. It took me about a year

to fully recover. I never made the honor roll once during junior high.

1990-Won the intramural ping-pong championship in school

over approximately fifty students. Ran junior high track and was on the wrestling

team. Went to Mexico for a month on a student exchange. I had a lawn mowing

business for the summer.

1991-Made the principal’s list. Received the Top Scholar

Award. Went to Sweden for a month on a student exchange. Placed 14th on an

Ohio district math test in Algebra. I began a racquet stringing business with

my dad out of our home. Lettered reserve in tennis and wrestling.

1992-Lettered varsity in Tennis, and was named to the first

team all league and second team all area. Maintained a 4.0 GPA all year. We

hosted two boys from Japan for a week.

1993-T.E.A.M.S. (Test of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics

and Science ) member and our group placed ninth out of fifty-six schools.

Clubhouse Ministry to Inner City Youth, New York City Mission trip, Inducted

into National Honor Society. Cross Country Team Named to second team all league.

Varsity Tennis. Co-captain. First team all league. Sectional and District

Doubles champ. State Qualifier in Doubles. Homecoming and Junior Prom. PSEO

classes at Wright State University I finished 8 quarter hours during the school


1994-Elected Senior Class Vice President. Cross Country Co-Captain.

Most Valuable Player Award,

Second Team all league. Summer Research Intern at Wright Patterson Air Force

Base, working under the tutelage of two Ph.D.’s.( References enclosed in application.)

Guest speaker in churches. Formed Christian Club at high school. PSEO student

at both University of Dayton and Edison State College. Completed eight semester

hours of college work.

1995-Graduated 5th of 200 from Tippecanoe High School. Received

Scholar Athlete Award, Full tuition ROTC scholarship to MIT. Spent the summer

in Germany @ Goerthe Institute in Dusseldorf Germany. Freshman year MIT. Campus

Crusade. Bible study leader.

1996– Sopomore year at MIT. Campus Crusade Bible Study leader.

Summer spent in Berlin, Germany with Campus Crusade @ Berlin Institute of

Technology. Westover Air Force Training.

1997– Junior Year at MIT. Campus Crusade Bible Study leader.

Summer spent in on campus working in Active Materials and Structures lab.

1998-Senior Year at MIT. Campus Crusade. Bible Study leader.

Summer spent in Berlin with Campus Crusade @ Berlin Institute of Technology.

Vice Commander of ROTC Unit. Member of MIT varsity Track Team. Met Chrissy

Sharp, a PT major at BU. Began dating in September. Took her on a Utah ski

trip with my family over Christmas.

1999-Became engaged May 16th to be married. Graduated from

MIT and was commissioned in the USAF as a second lieutenient in June. In July

was assigned to Sheppards AFB Wichitah Falls, TX. In October assigned to Hurlburt

AFB, Mary Esther, FL. Married November 20.

2000– Nominated for Officer of the Quarter. Chrissy and I

lead a Tuesday night Bible study in our home. Chrissy begins her career as

a PT at local hospital.

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