I want my amazon data

Automate Amazon

Tracking and categorizing financial transactions can be tedious, especially when it comes to Amazon orders. With Amazon’s new data policies, it’s harder than ever to retrieve detailed purchase information in a usable format. Amazon is so broad that a credit card charge could be for a digital or physical product, a whole foods purchase. The … Read more

Kids Lego table: Case study in Automation for Design

Motivation I had to upgrade the Lego table I made when my kids were much smaller. It needed to be higher and include storage options. Since I’m short on time, I used several existing automation tools to both teach my daughter the power of programming and explore our decision space. The goals were to stay … Read more

Some tax-time automation

I often struggle to find the right balance between automation and manual work. As it is tax time, and Chase bank only gives you 90 days of statements, I find myself every year going back through our statements to find any business expenses and do our overall financial review for the year. In the past … Read more

Family Photo Management

Post still in work Our family pictures were scattered over several computers, each with a unique photo management application. In an effort to get a good backup in place. I moved all my pictures to one computer where I accidentally deleted them. (Long story.) I was able to recover them all, but I had numerous … Read more

Excel Sorting and Grouping

I had two tables downloaded from Amazon: Items Order Date Order ID Title Category 1/26/14 102-4214073-2201835 Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook 1/13/14 115-8766132-0234619 Awesome Book A 1/13/14 115-8766132-0234619 Awesome Book B and Orders Order Date Order ID Subtotal 1/6/14 102-6956821-1091413 $43.20 1/13/14 115-8766130-0234619 $19.42 1/16/14 109-8688911-2954602 $25.86 I’m building our Q1 2014 taxes and needed rows … Read more