New Blog Title

I’ve always been intrigued by the story of the Harvard applicant who penned a three word answer to an essay prompt of “what is courage?” The myth has that he was accepted. I like the story because it highlights the risk and reward trade that we calculate in all our decisions.

Moreover, I spend a lot of time thinking about the nature of maturity, manhood and courage. Those of use who don’t feel burdened by genius, might meditate more on how to live the most consistent and authentic lives, but I’ve always wanted to better understand what it really takes to continue to grow and mature. To me this means more self awareness on the largest time horizon possible and the courage to act on that awareness. When I examine my motivation to write and keep a blog, I definitely want to find and connect with others (to solve the modern problem of loneliness caused by overwork and over-scheduled lives), but I also want to develop the ability and the courage to from my thoughts into arguments and to share those arguments with the world.

This is courage might not be my blogs name, but I’m toying with the idea.

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