What was the most Geeky Event in History?

While I can’t get into the background here, I was recently asked to describe the most geeky event in history. Something like this is hard to bound and as I asked those around me I got lots of answers from moment the zero was invented (“without that, you got nothing”) to the first demo of … Read more


You can’t work long in computer science until you have to understand the halting problem. The halting problem is concerned with determining whether a program will finish running or continue to run forever. It has a storied history. In 1936, Alan Turing proved that a general algorithm to solve the halting problem for all possible … Read more

Family Photo Management

Post still in work Our family pictures were scattered over several computers, each with a unique photo management application. In an effort to get a good backup in place. I moved all my pictures to one computer where I accidentally deleted them. (Long story.) I was able to recover them all, but I had numerous … Read more

Caging the Demon

As computers become powerful and solve more problems, the possibility that computers could evolve into a capability that could rise up against us and pose an existential threat is of increasing concern. After reading a recent book on artificial intelligence (AI), Superintelligence, Elon Musk recently said: I think we should be very careful about artificial … Read more

Evolution, Faith and Modernity

Tonight, I just finished Francis Collins’ book “The Language of God” where he lays out the basic facts of genetics and the human genome, denounces Creationism and rejects Intelligent Design theory, rebukes Richard Dawkins, and generally sets a tone for reasonableness between Christians and scientists. This is a lot of disjoint topics, and while he … Read more

Shellshock: Bashing Bash for Fun and Profit

The latest fundamental computer security vulnerability, termed Shellshock, was discovered by a vulnerability researcher Stephane Chazelas (a linux shell expert living in the UK) which allows for arbitrary code execution on linux or mac computers through creating a custom environment variable. If you haven’t already, you need to patch your system(s) and you might be … Read more

Playing with Matched Filters

During my time on the red team, we continually discussed the role of matched filters in everything from GPS to fire control radars. While I’m having a blast at DARPA where I work in cyber, I wanted to review an old topic and put MATLAB’s phased array toolbox to the test. (Yes, radar friends this … Read more


We are swimming in a sea of information. Without encryption this whole operation would be a very public event. Encryption enables our communications to be anonymous or secure and makes e-commerce and private communications possible. Because of this, I registered for Dan Boneth’s cryptography course. At this point, I’ve only watched one lecture, but I … Read more