“Room Temperature” Superconductor?

Note: these results are still new and will need to be replicated and further studied by the scientific community. This whole thing may be nonsense, but I did some thinking on the impact if it’s true. Researchers from Korea University have synthesized a superconductor that works at ambient pressure and mild oven-like temperatures (like 260 … Read more

Weaponizing the Weather

“Intervention in atmospheric and climatic matters . . . will unfold on a scale difficult to imagine at present. . . . this will merge each nation’s affairs with those of every other, more thoroughly than the threat of a nuclear or any other war would have done.” — J. von Neumann Disclaimer: This is … Read more

Playing with Matched Filters

During my time on the red team, we continually discussed the role of matched filters in everything from GPS to fire control radars. While I’m having a blast at DARPA where I work in cyber, I wanted to review an old topic and put MATLAB’s phased array toolbox to the test. (Yes, radar friends this … Read more